Sunday, January 10, 2016

Dinosaur Exibit

I'm going to tell you about Dinosaur Exhibit.

The family of green dinosaurs have long necks. They work together at the garden. Their names were Poppa, Momma, Libby, Buck and the cutiest little dinosaur of all is Arlo. They made sweet vegetables. They spit water from their mouths. It could be a funny movie. Arlo saw a little Critter called Spot stealing some vegtables.

At the beginning they do it very well today. They look at the eggs. The eggs began to hatch out. Libby and Buck were mischievous long necked dinosaurs. It could be the one in the museum of natural history. I touch the skull. It just like the one in New York.

It has dinosaur fossils. Fossils are a kind of bones of the past. Which means they tell on life of Earth long ago. As long if the dinosaurs exist and so as the humans. I think they could be destroyed. It only belong to the televison. Scientist can study and discoveries about dinosaurs.


Arlo got lost. He couldn't find his way back home. He has to stay with a mischievous Spot. He saw a frightful poisonous red snake called Tetrapodophis. He looks scary and very dangerous. So the Critter gave a fight at the snake. The red snake is defeated.

Arlo was protected. He saw two Tyrannosaurus Rexes named Nash and Ramsey and Butch is the father of Tyrannosaurus Rex. He is the king of all carnivores and lived in the Cretaceous Period. He was the most fearsome and powerful meat-eater dinosaurs on Earth. He can fight the little meat eaters. He also tell a story.

Butch is played by an actor named Sam Elliott. He has a deep voice. Three of the T-rexes look funny. Like Tyrannosaurus Rex in Jurassic Park. His head was full of six-inch bone crunching and dagger like teeth. It can hunt the plant-eating dinosaurs. They believe that Tyrannosaurus Rex hunted alone.'s_The_Good_Dinosaur_03.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20151029161300
Butch with Nash and Ramsey the Tyrannosaurus Rexes

 Spinosaurus has a large spine on its back and control the body temperature. It can be a dangerous dinosaur in the world. It growls and roars like the one in Jurassic Park 3. It can attack the humans in the plane. It can eat them and chases after the humans. It can also fight the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Spinosaurus has bone crunching teeth.

Stegosaurus is a plant-eating and plated dinosaur. It has a huge body and a small head. Which means it carried close to the ground. The plates on Stegosaurus back control it's body temperture. The plates can release heat when it hot and absorb heat and cold. At the end of Stegosaurus's tail have four spikes that used for protection. It could really swing.

Maiasaura is a ducked-billed plant eating dinosaur. Which also means "Good Mother Lizard." It scoop a hollow nest in the ground. The eggs were covered with dirt to keep them warm. The eggs hatching stay in the nest for weeks while the parents fed and protected them. Maiasaura nurtured its young baby dinosaurs. Maiasaura lived in the Cretaceous Period.

Diplodocus is the longest land dinosaur that ever lived. It also known as a sauropod a long neck long tail four legged dinosaur. Which also mean Double-beamed Lizard. Diplodocus travel in herds. It also have a stomach stones that helped digest the tough plant material it ate. It lived in Jurassic Period. Diplodocus may have a life span about 100 years.  

 Troodon is a plant eater. It has a large brain. It thought to be one of the smartest dinosaurs. It lived in the Cretaceous Period. It can get hunt by the meat eating dinosaurs. Troodon only eat plants. It travel in herds.

Coelophysis is a meat eater dinosaur. It built for speed. It lived in large family groups possibly herds. Coelophysis is a ferocious predator. It had dozens of dagger like teeth. Which means Hollow Form. It lived in Triassic Period.

The End.




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