Monday, September 26, 2016

Going to New York

I'm going to tell you about going to New York.

I went to New York with my Mom and Dad in October 2015, it was cold and windy. I saw the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor. I climbed all the way up to the top to see the moran tugs sailing across the sea. I also eat french fries at Mcdonalds. I saw a Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge. Just like the one in the book. The lighthouse is the master of the river and the great gray bridge is the master of the sky.

I also went to the Grand Central Station. I went to the Empire State Building all the way up to the top to look and the view above. I went to time square with Toys R Us store. In Toys R Us it was a dream come true and it has a Statue of Liberty made out of Lego. I also went to Barns and Nooble with lots of books. I also went to Museum of Natural History. It has dinosaur bones, mammals and insects.

I took a train from New York. I enjoyed the fun of New York. I went back into the airplane. It took a very very long flight. At last I came back to Florida. I had a good time. It was so much fun.
Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge
New York Times Square
Toys R Us
Empire State Building
Statue of Liberty
New York Central Hudson


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