Friday, November 4, 2016


I'm going to tell you about Italy.

Italy is a country from Europe. Rome is the capital of Italy and it also called Eternal City. It has a tank engine in Italy. People in Italy speak Italian. Hello in Italy is Ciao, goodbye arrivederci and the rest of the langauges. It can make Strega Nona in live action. It's not real but make-believe.

It has railways everywhere. shops, schools and buildings in Italy. NTV stands for Italian railways. It has a Italian train called AGV Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori. That's why Italian people called NTV instead. Everyone can enjoy the fun. They also give rides on buses.

It also has a church and the village. Pope Francis is the man in Italy. Even Pope Benedict. Pope Benedict rides in the Pope Mobile. One is Pope John Paul who died in 2005 a long time ago. People have spaghetti and pizza for lunch, snack, dinner and desert. That would be delicious.
Pope Francis

Related image
FS ETR 300

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