Wednesday, November 30, 2016


I'm going to tell you about Romania.

Romania is a country from Europe. It has a region called Transylvania. In Transylvania it has a Bran castle for Dracula the prince of darkness. Like Hotel Transylvania. Just like Dracula says, "Welcome to Hotel Transylvania!" The castle has an organ with cobwebs. It also has vampire bats that he can turn himself.

It's not real but fiction. As long if vampires exist and so is humans. They died in sunlight. They also drink blood from humans. but it's legend. It also make in live-action. Bram Stoker is a writer of Dracula.

Dracula can drink blood on females and vampire brides only drink blood on males. Vlad Dracula was born in Romania and he also look like a blood-sucking monster. He died in Romania. The other Vlad is from Hotel Transylvania 2 and he's Dracula's father.
Dracula's Castle
Vampire Bat
Hotel Transylvania
Dracula as the bat
Vlad Dracula

Image result for vlad dracula bat
Vlad Dracula as the bat

Sunday, November 13, 2016


I can tell you about Australia.

Australia is a country and it surrounded by Pacific Oceans. It has church and other places everywhere in Australia. Karratha is a city in Australia. It was in 1968 a long long time ago. It has four cities. It has shops and a theater. It has railway.

It has 520 class locomotive. It carries passengers and travel along the tracks. People can enjoy the trip to Australia. It has airport with planes. Australia is a smallest 6th Continent. It has animals like Koalas climbing the eucalyptus tree, Kangaroo is a Marsupial hops with a baby kangaroo called Joey in the pouch. Just like my friend from the mash group.

 Platypus is a duck billed monotreme that swims in water and eats insects. Platypus also lay eggs and hatches out and drink oozes out of her skin. Echidna has a coat of long sharp spines to protect itself from the predators. If attack, the Echidna will roll itself up or wedge into a crack of the rocks which the spines facing upward. It also known as anteater and eat all the ants. It also has a water buffalo. Buffalo has sharp horns and it charge toward its enemy.
Australian animals
SAR 520 Class
Garratt SAR 400 4-8-2

Friday, November 4, 2016


I'm going to tell you about Italy.

Italy is a country from Europe. Rome is the capital of Italy and it also called Eternal City. It has a tank engine in Italy. People in Italy speak Italian. Hello in Italy is Ciao, goodbye arrivederci and the rest of the langauges. It can make Strega Nona in live action. It's not real but make-believe.

It has railways everywhere. shops, schools and buildings in Italy. NTV stands for Italian railways. It has a Italian train called AGV Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori. That's why Italian people called NTV instead. Everyone can enjoy the fun. They also give rides on buses.

It also has a church and the village. Pope Francis is the man in Italy. Even Pope Benedict. Pope Benedict rides in the Pope Mobile. One is Pope John Paul who died in 2005 a long time ago. People have spaghetti and pizza for lunch, snack, dinner and desert. That would be delicious.
Pope Francis

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FS ETR 300