Wednesday, April 15, 2015


I will tell you about Presidents.

1. George Washington was the first President of the United States. He had hippo's teeth. He was born in Westmoreland 1732 and he died in 1799.
George Washington

2. John Addams was the second president. He was the first to live in the White House. He was born in Braintree MA 1735 and he died in MA 1826.

John Addams

3. Thomas Jefferson was the third president. He wrote the Declaration of Independence. He was born in Shadwell VA 1743 and he died in Charlottesville VA.

Thomas Jefferson

4. James Madison was the fourth president. He is known as the father of the constitution.
James Madison

 5. James Monroe was the fifth president. He was a Founding Father of the United States and the last president.
James Monroe

6. John Quincy Adams was the sixth president. He had his photo taken.  He died in 1848.

John Quincy Adams

7. Andrew Jackson was the seventh president. He owned hundred of slaves to work on the Hermitage Plantation. He died in 1845.

Andrew Jackson

 8. Martin Van Buren was the eighth president. He's a member of the Democratic Party. He died in 1862.
Martin Van Buren

9. William Henry Harrison was the ninth president. He was an American military officer and politician. He died in 1841.
William Henry Harrison

10. John Tyler was the tenth president. He was elected vice president on the 1840 Whig ticket. He died in 1862.

John Tyler

11. James Knox Polk is the eleventh president of the United States. He thought for California and New Mexico.  He was a speaker of the house of representatives.
James Knox Polk

 12. Zachary Taylor is the twelfth president of the United States. He thought a Mexican American War.  He also an officer army.

Zachary Taylor

 13. Millard Fillmore is the thirteenth president. He's a whig president. He was not to be affiliated with either the Democratic or Republican parties.

Millard Fillmore

 14. Franklin Pierce is the fourteenth president. He was signing Kansas and Nebraska. He also has house of representatives and the senate. 

Franklin Pierce

15. James Buchanan is the fifteenth president. He was Secretary of State. He also served as Minister to Russia.

James Buchanan

16. Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president. He help to free the slaves after the civil war and went to Ford's theater. He died by the gunshot. Uh-oh. He also from Bill and Ted.

Abraham Lincoln

17. Andrew Johnson was the seventeenth president. He did not give protection to house of representatives.

Andrew Johnson

18. Ulysses S Grant is the eighteenth president. He is the leader of the Union Army. He also as U.S. Military Academy.

Ulysses S Grant

19. Rutherford B Hayes is the nineteenth president. He has the first telephone in the White House.He died in 1893.
Rutherford B Hayes
 20. James A. Garfield is the twentieth president. His job was moving the canal boat. He died in 1881.
James A Garfield

 21. Chester Arthur is the twenty-first president. He practiced law in New York City. He died in  1886.

Chester Arthur

22. Grover Cleveland is the twenty-second president. He was leader of the pro-business bourbon democrats. He died in 1897.

Grover Cleveland

 23. Benjamin Harrison is the twenty-third president. He became a Presbyterian church leader. He died in 1901.

Benjamin Harrison

24. Grover Cleveland is the twenty-fourth president. He was the winner of the election and he was one of the two Democrats. He died in 1884.

Grover Cleveland

25. William Mckinley is the twenty-fifth president. He is the last president and became as a Union Army. He died in 1901.
William Mckinley

26. Theodore Roosevelt is the twenty-sixth president. He was a nicknamed Teddy. He died in 1919.
Theodore Roosevelt

27. William Howard Taft is the twenty-seventh president. He was Chief Justice of the United States. He also became a Superior Court of Cincinnati. He died in 1930.

William Howard Taft

28. Woodrow Wilson is the twenty-eighth president. He is the leader of the Progressive Movement. Woodrow Wilson says. "He kept us out of war." He died in 1924.

Woodrow Wilson

29. Warren G Harding was the twenty-ninth president. He was Republican from Ohio. He defeated Democrat. He died in 1923.

Warren G Harding

30. Calvin coolidge is the thirtieth president. He was a republican lawyer.
Calvin Coolidge

31. Herbert Hoover is the thirty-first president. He was a professional engineer.
Herbert Hoover

32. Franklin D Roosevelt is the thirty-second president. He elected four times in a row. He died in 1945.
Franklin D Roosevelt

33. Harry S Truman is the thirty-third president. He was a U.S. Senator. founding in the United Nations.

Harry S. Truman

34. Dwight D Eisenhower is the thirty-fourth president. He launched the space program. He graduated and married and had two sons.

Dwight D Eisenhower
35. John F Kennedy is the thirty-fifth president. He won a Pulitzer Prize. He died in 1963.
John F Kennedy

 36. Lyndon B Johnson was the thirty-sixth president. He served as a United States Representative. served in both offices of the executive branch as well as in both houses of Congress.
Lyndon B Johnson
37. Richard M Nixon was the thirty-seventh president. He is the only president to resign. He had previously served as a U.S. representative. He died in 1994.

Richard M Nixon
38. Gerald Ford was the thirty-eighth president. He  presided over the worst economy in the four decades since the Great Depression. He died in 2006.
Gerald Ford

39. James Earl "Jimmy" Carter, Jr. was the thirty-ninth president. He was a peanut farmer. He enjoyed himself.
James Earl "Jimmy" Carter, Jr.

 40. Ronald Reagan was the fortieth president. He ended the cold war. He also become an actor. He died in 2004.
Ronald Reagan
41. George Herbert Walker Bush was the forty-first president. He enlisted in the U.S. Navy.  He lived on a Texas ranch. He became a cowboy.
George Herbert Walker Bush

42. William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton was the forty-second president. He plays the Saxophone.  He's alive and he is George Walker Bush's Father.

43. George Walker Bush was the forty third president. He was the leader of the war on Terror.
He's alive and has his father George Hebert Walker Bush.
George Walker Bush
44. Barack Obama is the forty-four president. He worked as a civil rights attorney and taught constitutional law. He's alive.
Barack Obama

 There are 44 presidents of the United States of America. "YEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAWWWW!"



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