Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Poisonous Animals

I'm going to tell you about Poisonous Animals.

The Gila monster is a type of poisonous lizard. It can hunt at night. Snapping up mice, snakes and other lizards in their jaws. The Komodo Dragon is the biggest lizard living today and grows up to 10 feet long. It has powerful germs in the world's worst case of bad breath which means that is poisonous. Just one bite from this lizard can kill them. In reality, these dragons are giant monitor lizards and it has powerful claws and sharp teeth.

This fearsome Komodo Dragon eats large animals such as Deer and Pigs. Komodo Dragons live in the Komodo Island. It can be very dangerous and poisonous. It can look and search of its prey. Komodo Dragons look like meat eating monitor lizard. When it feels threatened it hunts the victims. Komodo Dragons can also live in the cave like the dragons do.

The terrified black-necked snake is Spitting Cobra. As well its biting its prey, the Cobra can rear up and spit a jet of poison at its victim's face. It can also hit its target from to 20 feet away. It can flick out the tongue. Its bite can kill them in just 15 minutes. Spitting Cobra is one of the most dangerous snakes in the world. Spitting Cobra looks very harmful.
Gila Monster
Komodo Dragon
Spitting Cobra

 This is a deadly Coral Snake. It's venomous bite is so powerful and it can kill human beings from the matter of hours. Unfortunately the Coral Snake feeds on other snakes and lizards. It has black white and red rings. Coral Snake looks very harmful. Even poisonous. The Coral Snake Mimic is not dangerous but a harmless snake with black, red and yellow.

The fearsome female Black Widow Spider is one of the most dangerous spiders in the world. It's bite can even kill human beings. It can also kill a large animal in a few hours in one bite. However Black Widows are not usually aggressive. The male Black Widow Spider is much smaller than the female and its the harmless spider. After mating, the female Black Widow often eats the male. It has a red mark on her hourglass back.

The Funnel-Web Spider is one of the most poisonous spiders in the world. It will attack them and moves including human beings. Its deadly fangs can even bite through skin. The bite from the Funnel Web Spider can kill a person in less than 2 hours. Funnel-Web Spiders looks dangerous. Tarantulas are slow-moving hairy spiders. Tarantulas are not poisonous but its harmless.
Coral Snake
Female Black Widow Spider
Funnel Web Spider

 Cane Toad is bigger than the small plate. Which makes it one of the largest toads in the world. But its often very poisonous. If a Cane Toad sent us danger, it can squeeze poison from its special tubes behind its eyes to offend itself from the attack. Mantella is a poison arrow frog from Madagascar  looks very pretty with its golden coloring. It can make a tips of the arrows. It can live in the rain forest. 

Rattlesnakes is a dangerous reptile in the world. It can makes a rattling tail as a warning signal. When the Rattlesnake is angry or scared it shakes the tail very fast. It has poison fangs. The huge King Cobra is one of the most deadly poison at its strikes. The bite from the snake can kill an elephant in hours and human in just 20 minutes. To warn off attackers, the King Cobra raised his head, hisses and spreads around its neck like a hood.

Piranha is one of the most ferocious of all freshwater fish. It live with groups called schools. It has deadly sharp teeth. The school of Piranhas live in minutes. It can use the prey. Piranhas are very poisonous. It lives in water.
Cane Toad

The Great White Shark is the largest and most deadly hunting shark. It eats fish and seals, but it has the most attacking and kill humans too. Like most sharks it hunts of sense of smell. Closing and quickly on its victims and ripping apart with its razor sharp teeth. It has 6 inches long. Sharks are very good at smelling blood. It can also sense vibrations from swimming animals. Sharks constantly lose their teeth and grow new ones.

Scorpion has a poisonous stinger at the end of its tail. It can offend itself from attack. Scorpion is very dangerous. The Black Panther is a type of leopard. It can silently stalking through the shadowy forest. When it is close enough the Panther really pounds on its prey and has a very sharp teeth into the neck. It can grab the victim to the tree to keep away from the other hungry animals. 


The harpy eagle is the largest and most powerful bird of prey in the world. It flies rapidly through the tree tops where it lives. Chasing monkeys and other animals. The harpy eagle seizing it with his huge curved talons. And then tears it prey appart with his hooked beak. The lionfish is one of the most mysterious creatures in the sea. It warns other predators to steer clear.
Great White Shark
Black Panther
Harpy Eagle


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